Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof

The idea of picking up a horse's hooves can intimidate some owners since a well-placed horse kick would really hurt! Such caution is good, but in reality if you pick up a horse's hoof properly you provide him with no leverage or ability to kick you. This is a situation where a person's worst fears can cause him to imagine an incident that is highly unlikely to occur with careful handling. Here's how to safely pick up a horse's hoof: Starting with the front hoof, approach your horse diagonally from his front so that he clearly knows you are there - you don't want to surprise him. Place yourself even with his shoulder and make sure to face his rear; you will both be facing opposite directions during the hoof picking process. Making sure that your feet aren't too close to the horse's hoof, start running the hand parallel to him down his shoulder and along the length of his leg, finally stopping just above his ankle. Gently grasp the ankle portion and click (or otherwise verbally cue him) to ask him to raise his leg. If he's well trained, that small cue will be more than enough and he'll do just what you requested. You're now free to begin picking his hoof. If your horse is being a bit stubborn or hasn't learned how to pick up his legs yet try leaning into his shoulder as you run your hand down the back of his cannon bone. You can also gently squeeze/pinch the tendons to further cue him to what you would like. As you perform these physical cues make sure you provide a verbal one also (I make a clicking sound) so the horse later associates your sound with the requested response. Increase the weight you push against his shoulder until he finally lifts his leg as requested. When picking a horse's hoof you want to remove all debris from the hoof clefts as well as the rim and frog. Be careful around the frog because it can sometimes be a bit sensitive, particularly if the horse has thrush. Once you have finished cleaning the front hoof carefully guide it back to the floor; you don't want to allow the horse to slam it, potentially hitting your foot in the process. Praise your horse and pat him on the front shoulder a bit so he understands that you are pleased with his cooperation, then run your hand along his back to his rear leg. Place yourself in the same position as you did with his front leg and do the process over again. There is a slight difference between lifting a rear foot and front foot, even though your basic positioning and actions are nearly identical. When you lift your horse's rear foot he will probably give a little jerk that you might misinterpret as a kick. This is a common reflex reaction among horses and nothing for you to worry about. Secondly, when you raise your horse's rear leg you'll want to step into him a bit so that your hip is underneath his leg. Rest his leg on your thigh, grab his hoof and gently flex it upwards. By doing this you lend him some support and more importantly the position of his leg and his flexed hoof will prevent him from being able to kick you. Clean the hoof, lower it cautiously as you did the first and praise him. Congratulations - you're halfway done! The opposite side will be done exactly the same way, but try to return to his front and start the opposite side rather than move around his rear. It's bad practice to approach or circle all but the most trusted horses via the rear in such close quarters since a horse would be within range to strike. When lifting any hoof try to make sure your horse is properly squared (balanced evenly on all four legs) so that when you lift one hoof he can easily balance on his remaining three. At no time should the horse actually lean his weight on you! Even when you rest his rear leg on your thigh you're not allowing him to use you as a crutch. Once you have picked your horse's hooves a few times it will probably become very simple and take less than 5 minutes to clear all hooves. Most trained horses will raise their hoof for you the moment they feel your leg run down their leg. It is a very good idea to control your horse's head while you are picking his hooves. This can be done by attaching his halter to crossties or asking a partner hold your horse's head. By controlling his head you ensure your horse can't move away from you while you're trying to pick his hooves, or worse... turn around and take a bite at your rear!

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   

You Can't Fool A Horse

In the dating world many men and women put their potential partners to a "dog test," whereby they introduce their date to their dog and see how the dog reacts to the stranger. If the dog reacts badly towards their date then a red flag is waved, whereas if the dog accepts the stranger instantly the opposite holds true. While many people look upon this test in a tongue-in-cheek manner, many dog owners actually do take it seriously. As they probably should!

Many animals, including horses, possess an uncanny ability to detect emotion as well as the inner nature of an individual. Whereas you may be able to slap a forced smile on your face and hide powerful negative emotions such as stress or anger from fellow humans, you won't find it as easy to fool a horse! In fact I consider horses to be natural truth detectors due to their ability to read a person's emotional state as well as their sincerity when it comes to a love for equines.

If one of my naturally friendly horses takes an instant dislike to someone out of the blue, 9 times out of 10 I'm going to respect my equine partner's instincts. Horses generally do not possess vendettas or have reason to target anyone for no real reason - they tend to call them as they see them. If a horse usually takes a liking to visitors but holds a sudden aversion to one in particular, clearly the horse sees or detects something that I may not have initially caught.

When a horse enjoys your company, you'll know it. When a horse trusts you, you'll know it. And when a horse actually dislikes you, he will make sure you know it. I often state that the world would be a much better place if people were as brutally honest as horses. But I digress...

A proficient horseman at work should be cool, calm and collected, three essential qualities to maximize the productivity of a training session as well as create an all-around positive aura over human-horse interactions. Keep in mind that you are the horse's leader, and as such the horse will take his cues from you. If you are agitated the horse will recognize something is wrong and either feel you are angry with him or you are annoyed with something else he cannot detect but probably should be also be concerned about. The horse will not be able to focus on the lesson or your requests well at all, nor will he be able to draw strength from you when he becomes concerned about a foreign object or behavioral request.

It is essential that you try not to visit or work with your horse when you are in a negative frame of mind since these undesirable emotions will disturb your equine partner. Try to take a few minutes, or even hours if necessary, to collect your emotions and clear your mind of life's daily irritants.

When we see a loved one is feeling down, it often puts a damper on our day too since negativity tends to breed negativity. The same will happen with your horse, so do not underestimate your horse's ability to detect your feelings.

Visit to view more articles about horse training.

By Jeffrey Rolo copyright 2004 AlphaHorse

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof

The idea of picking up a horse's hooves can intimidate some owners since a well-placed horse kick would really hurt! Such caution is good, but in reality if you pick up a horse's hoof properly you provide him with no leverage or ability to kick you. This is a situation where a person's worst fears can cause him to imagine an incident that is highly unlikely to occur with careful handling. Here's how to safely pick up a horse's hoof: Starting with the front hoof, approach your horse diagonally from his front so that he clearly knows you are there - you don't want to surprise him. Place yourself even with his shoulder and make sure to face his rear; you will both be facing opposite directions during the hoof picking process. Making sure that your feet aren't too close to the horse's hoof, start running the hand parallel to him down his shoulder and along the length of his leg, finally stopping just above his ankle. Gently grasp the ankle portion and click (or otherwise verbally cue him) to ask him to raise his leg. If he's well trained, that small cue will be more than enough and he'll do just what you requested. You're now free to begin picking his hoof. If your horse is being a bit stubborn or hasn't learned how to pick up his legs yet try leaning into his shoulder as you run your hand down the back of his cannon bone. You can also gently squeeze/pinch the tendons to further cue him to what you would like. As you perform these physical cues make sure you provide a verbal one also (I make a clicking sound) so the horse later associates your sound with the requested response. Increase the weight you push against his shoulder until he finally lifts his leg as requested. When picking a horse's hoof you want to remove all debris from the hoof clefts as well as the rim and frog. Be careful around the frog because it can sometimes be a bit sensitive, particularly if the horse has thrush. Once you have finished cleaning the front hoof carefully guide it back to the floor; you don't want to allow the horse to slam it, potentially hitting your foot in the process. Praise your horse and pat him on the front shoulder a bit so he understands that you are pleased with his cooperation, then run your hand along his back to his rear leg. Place yourself in the same position as you did with his front leg and do the process over again. There is a slight difference between lifting a rear foot and front foot, even though your basic positioning and actions are nearly identical. When you lift your horse's rear foot he will probably give a little jerk that you might misinterpret as a kick. This is a common reflex reaction among horses and nothing for you to worry about. Secondly, when you raise your horse's rear leg you'll want to step into him a bit so that your hip is underneath his leg. Rest his leg on your thigh, grab his hoof and gently flex it upwards. By doing this you lend him some support and more importantly the position of his leg and his flexed hoof will prevent him from being able to kick you. Clean the hoof, lower it cautiously as you did the first and praise him. Congratulations - you're halfway done! The opposite side will be done exactly the same way, but try to return to his front and start the opposite side rather than move around his rear. It's bad practice to approach or circle all but the most trusted horses via the rear in such close quarters since a horse would be within range to strike. When lifting any hoof try to make sure your horse is properly squared (balanced evenly on all four legs) so that when you lift one hoof he can easily balance on his remaining three. At no time should the horse actually lean his weight on you! Even when you rest his rear leg on your thigh you're not allowing him to use you as a crutch. Once you have picked your horse's hooves a few times it will probably become very simple and take less than 5 minutes to clear all hooves. Most trained horses will raise their hoof for you the moment they feel your leg run down their leg. It is a very good idea to control your horse's head while you are picking his hooves. This can be done by attaching his halter to crossties or asking a partner hold your horse's head. By controlling his head you ensure your horse can't move away from you while you're trying to pick his hooves, or worse... turn around and take a bite at your rear!

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof

The idea of picking up a horse's hooves can intimidate some owners since a well-placed horse kick would really hurt! Such caution is good, but in reality if you pick up a horse's hoof properly you provide him with no leverage or ability to kick you. This is a situation where a person's worst fears can cause him to imagine an incident that is highly unlikely to occur with careful handling. Here's how to safely pick up a horse's hoof: Starting with the front hoof, approach your horse diagonally from his front so that he clearly knows you are there - you don't want to surprise him. Place yourself even with his shoulder and make sure to face his rear; you will both be facing opposite directions during the hoof picking process. Making sure that your feet aren't too close to the horse's hoof, start running the hand parallel to him down his shoulder and along the length of his leg, finally stopping just above his ankle. Gently grasp the ankle portion and click (or otherwise verbally cue him) to ask him to raise his leg. If he's well trained, that small cue will be more than enough and he'll do just what you requested. You're now free to begin picking his hoof. If your horse is being a bit stubborn or hasn't learned how to pick up his legs yet try leaning into his shoulder as you run your hand down the back of his cannon bone. You can also gently squeeze/pinch the tendons to further cue him to what you would like. As you perform these physical cues make sure you provide a verbal one also (I make a clicking sound) so the horse later associates your sound with the requested response. Increase the weight you push against his shoulder until he finally lifts his leg as requested. When picking a horse's hoof you want to remove all debris from the hoof clefts as well as the rim and frog. Be careful around the frog because it can sometimes be a bit sensitive, particularly if the horse has thrush. Once you have finished cleaning the front hoof carefully guide it back to the floor; you don't want to allow the horse to slam it, potentially hitting your foot in the process. Praise your horse and pat him on the front shoulder a bit so he understands that you are pleased with his cooperation, then run your hand along his back to his rear leg. Place yourself in the same position as you did with his front leg and do the process over again. There is a slight difference between lifting a rear foot and front foot, even though your basic positioning and actions are nearly identical. When you lift your horse's rear foot he will probably give a little jerk that you might misinterpret as a kick. This is a common reflex reaction among horses and nothing for you to worry about. Secondly, when you raise your horse's rear leg you'll want to step into him a bit so that your hip is underneath his leg. Rest his leg on your thigh, grab his hoof and gently flex it upwards. By doing this you lend him some support and more importantly the position of his leg and his flexed hoof will prevent him from being able to kick you. Clean the hoof, lower it cautiously as you did the first and praise him. Congratulations - you're halfway done! The opposite side will be done exactly the same way, but try to return to his front and start the opposite side rather than move around his rear. It's bad practice to approach or circle all but the most trusted horses via the rear in such close quarters since a horse would be within range to strike. When lifting any hoof try to make sure your horse is properly squared (balanced evenly on all four legs) so that when you lift one hoof he can easily balance on his remaining three. At no time should the horse actually lean his weight on you! Even when you rest his rear leg on your thigh you're not allowing him to use you as a crutch. Once you have picked your horse's hooves a few times it will probably become very simple and take less than 5 minutes to clear all hooves. Most trained horses will raise their hoof for you the moment they feel your leg run down their leg. It is a very good idea to control your horse's head while you are picking his hooves. This can be done by attaching his halter to crossties or asking a partner hold your horse's head. By controlling his head you ensure your horse can't move away from you while you're trying to pick his hooves, or worse... turn around and take a bite at your rear!

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof

The idea of picking up a horse's hooves can intimidate some owners since a well-placed horse kick would really hurt! Such caution is good, but in reality if you pick up a horse's hoof properly you provide him with no leverage or ability to kick you. This is a situation where a person's worst fears can cause him to imagine an incident that is highly unlikely to occur with careful handling. Here's how to safely pick up a horse's hoof: Starting with the front hoof, approach your horse diagonally from his front so that he clearly knows you are there - you don't want to surprise him. Place yourself even with his shoulder and make sure to face his rear; you will both be facing opposite directions during the hoof picking process. Making sure that your feet aren't too close to the horse's hoof, start running the hand parallel to him down his shoulder and along the length of his leg, finally stopping just above his ankle. Gently grasp the ankle portion and click (or otherwise verbally cue him) to ask him to raise his leg. If he's well trained, that small cue will be more than enough and he'll do just what you requested. You're now free to begin picking his hoof. If your horse is being a bit stubborn or hasn't learned how to pick up his legs yet try leaning into his shoulder as you run your hand down the back of his cannon bone. You can also gently squeeze/pinch the tendons to further cue him to what you would like. As you perform these physical cues make sure you provide a verbal one also (I make a clicking sound) so the horse later associates your sound with the requested response. Increase the weight you push against his shoulder until he finally lifts his leg as requested. When picking a horse's hoof you want to remove all debris from the hoof clefts as well as the rim and frog. Be careful around the frog because it can sometimes be a bit sensitive, particularly if the horse has thrush. Once you have finished cleaning the front hoof carefully guide it back to the floor; you don't want to allow the horse to slam it, potentially hitting your foot in the process. Praise your horse and pat him on the front shoulder a bit so he understands that you are pleased with his cooperation, then run your hand along his back to his rear leg. Place yourself in the same position as you did with his front leg and do the process over again. There is a slight difference between lifting a rear foot and front foot, even though your basic positioning and actions are nearly identical. When you lift your horse's rear foot he will probably give a little jerk that you might misinterpret as a kick. This is a common reflex reaction among horses and nothing for you to worry about. Secondly, when you raise your horse's rear leg you'll want to step into him a bit so that your hip is underneath his leg. Rest his leg on your thigh, grab his hoof and gently flex it upwards. By doing this you lend him some support and more importantly the position of his leg and his flexed hoof will prevent him from being able to kick you. Clean the hoof, lower it cautiously as you did the first and praise him. Congratulations - you're halfway done! The opposite side will be done exactly the same way, but try to return to his front and start the opposite side rather than move around his rear. It's bad practice to approach or circle all but the most trusted horses via the rear in such close quarters since a horse would be within range to strike. When lifting any hoof try to make sure your horse is properly squared (balanced evenly on all four legs) so that when you lift one hoof he can easily balance on his remaining three. At no time should the horse actually lean his weight on you! Even when you rest his rear leg on your thigh you're not allowing him to use you as a crutch. Once you have picked your horse's hooves a few times it will probably become very simple and take less than 5 minutes to clear all hooves. Most trained horses will raise their hoof for you the moment they feel your leg run down their leg. It is a very good idea to control your horse's head while you are picking his hooves. This can be done by attaching his halter to crossties or asking a partner hold your horse's head. By controlling his head you ensure your horse can't move away from you while you're trying to pick his hooves, or worse... turn around and take a bite at your rear!

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   

You Can't Fool A Horse

In the dating world many men and women put their potential partners to a "dog test," whereby they introduce their date to their dog and see how the dog reacts to the stranger. If the dog reacts badly towards their date then a red flag is waved, whereas if the dog accepts the stranger instantly the opposite holds true. While many people look upon this test in a tongue-in-cheek manner, many dog owners actually do take it seriously. As they probably should!

Many animals, including horses, possess an uncanny ability to detect emotion as well as the inner nature of an individual. Whereas you may be able to slap a forced smile on your face and hide powerful negative emotions such as stress or anger from fellow humans, you won't find it as easy to fool a horse! In fact I consider horses to be natural truth detectors due to their ability to read a person's emotional state as well as their sincerity when it comes to a love for equines.

If one of my naturally friendly horses takes an instant dislike to someone out of the blue, 9 times out of 10 I'm going to respect my equine partner's instincts. Horses generally do not possess vendettas or have reason to target anyone for no real reason - they tend to call them as they see them. If a horse usually takes a liking to visitors but holds a sudden aversion to one in particular, clearly the horse sees or detects something that I may not have initially caught.

When a horse enjoys your company, you'll know it. When a horse trusts you, you'll know it. And when a horse actually dislikes you, he will make sure you know it. I often state that the world would be a much better place if people were as brutally honest as horses. But I digress...

A proficient horseman at work should be cool, calm and collected, three essential qualities to maximize the productivity of a training session as well as create an all-around positive aura over human-horse interactions. Keep in mind that you are the horse's leader, and as such the horse will take his cues from you. If you are agitated the horse will recognize something is wrong and either feel you are angry with him or you are annoyed with something else he cannot detect but probably should be also be concerned about. The horse will not be able to focus on the lesson or your requests well at all, nor will he be able to draw strength from you when he becomes concerned about a foreign object or behavioral request.

It is essential that you try not to visit or work with your horse when you are in a negative frame of mind since these undesirable emotions will disturb your equine partner. Try to take a few minutes, or even hours if necessary, to collect your emotions and clear your mind of life's daily irritants.

When we see a loved one is feeling down, it often puts a damper on our day too since negativity tends to breed negativity. The same will happen with your horse, so do not underestimate your horse's ability to detect your feelings.

Visit to view more articles about horse training.

By Jeffrey Rolo copyright 2004 AlphaHorse

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   

You Can't Fool A Horse

In the dating world many men and women put their potential partners to a "dog test," whereby they introduce their date to their dog and see how the dog reacts to the stranger. If the dog reacts badly towards their date then a red flag is waved, whereas if the dog accepts the stranger instantly the opposite holds true. While many people look upon this test in a tongue-in-cheek manner, many dog owners actually do take it seriously. As they probably should!

Many animals, including horses, possess an uncanny ability to detect emotion as well as the inner nature of an individual. Whereas you may be able to slap a forced smile on your face and hide powerful negative emotions such as stress or anger from fellow humans, you won't find it as easy to fool a horse! In fact I consider horses to be natural truth detectors due to their ability to read a person's emotional state as well as their sincerity when it comes to a love for equines.

If one of my naturally friendly horses takes an instant dislike to someone out of the blue, 9 times out of 10 I'm going to respect my equine partner's instincts. Horses generally do not possess vendettas or have reason to target anyone for no real reason - they tend to call them as they see them. If a horse usually takes a liking to visitors but holds a sudden aversion to one in particular, clearly the horse sees or detects something that I may not have initially caught.

When a horse enjoys your company, you'll know it. When a horse trusts you, you'll know it. And when a horse actually dislikes you, he will make sure you know it. I often state that the world would be a much better place if people were as brutally honest as horses. But I digress...

A proficient horseman at work should be cool, calm and collected, three essential qualities to maximize the productivity of a training session as well as create an all-around positive aura over human-horse interactions. Keep in mind that you are the horse's leader, and as such the horse will take his cues from you. If you are agitated the horse will recognize something is wrong and either feel you are angry with him or you are annoyed with something else he cannot detect but probably should be also be concerned about. The horse will not be able to focus on the lesson or your requests well at all, nor will he be able to draw strength from you when he becomes concerned about a foreign object or behavioral request.

It is essential that you try not to visit or work with your horse when you are in a negative frame of mind since these undesirable emotions will disturb your equine partner. Try to take a few minutes, or even hours if necessary, to collect your emotions and clear your mind of life's daily irritants.

When we see a loved one is feeling down, it often puts a damper on our day too since negativity tends to breed negativity. The same will happen with your horse, so do not underestimate your horse's ability to detect your feelings.

Visit to view more articles about horse training.

By Jeffrey Rolo copyright 2004 AlphaHorse

Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   Picking Up A Horse's Hoof   

Under The Leaded Sky in Serbia

When one population in one century survived five wars, two wars in just ten years, enforcment by self a question it`s the war destiny of Serbian people or his dare. With what a Serbian people has merit this - with his frankness, levity, with collective and national damnation or just with that fact which they are living in the territories which from its geopolitical consideration always were interesting orbit of much other populations. Maybe all this is a colective spread why is Serbian people with centuries had carry on contest for survival in Balkan, together attest its claim and necessity for protection of a national identity and his roots. In that permanent war people had obtained and dissipates but often had pass a golgote, and invigorated in every countenance .

His "armature" must be stronger than steel to resist not just external compressions but and inner pressures which sometime were of nourish intensity from the right once, with constant undergo political and economic exhaustions. Besides this, this people had remain immaculate in his hart and sanity, which have had help them to understand against of often irrationality and incriminations from other populations, must hang out in its defeat to show to the same universe their real face and improve genuineness of his intention that they wish to survive and live same like normal world without other aspirations. Then even thought often had not received a desirable indorse from the world and remained a lonesome in their bother and misfortune, have not lost confidence in that same world with belief that this world will keep them under its wing and incorporate in integrative process with other countries and populations. , brought to the brink of the desperation and a general debasement, Serbian population in last time has much more felled a slowness arrange with other populations, with a fear of a absolute fade and footstep from them. That it was a plenty superior calmness and waste its patience. A high disappointment it must in one moment rise and reached its culmination . And that was happen when people had not proceed suffer and hopeless .It had burst from them a certain boisterously and freak energy which revolt had converted in expansive collision against all of that what had choked and made filthy (muddy) for this all last years. In Serbia was happen people .When in this territories its happen people , that means a big cession and profound (intensive) reverse, in which were to many await not just ten years but much more. Certainly ready over the night one people rightly had obtained all attributes of valiant (heroic) nation, because it had afford energy to overturn all barricades and limitations shortly which have had been in systematic way pushed for many years. Maybe that was only way to this people to have eligibility and get its destiny in their hands, and after this happenings world accepted them and easy keep them in " their companion", whom is with all attributes ever had belong. A time will show, which is a essential equalize and wish of heroine of this book to Serbia being a prosper country in which will be return not just departed Serbian's around the world, but and all other people who can find here a lift for a beautiful and comfortable life.

(Preview taken from book " UNDER THE LEADED SKY IN SERBIA", by dr Mirjana Radovic ( it is traslated from Serbian to English)

Book should not be accepted like a political handwork, but just like one record of an hardly time through which had pass one nation requiring a different shapes for self protection and salvation. Author of this book had taken like a model from that point, one family from Belgrade in which issue had try to show up their adaptive skills and struggle for survival in a frenzy social escalation of community and generally political occurrences.

7 Book Publicity Tips for Authors and Small Publishers   How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles   

7 Book Publicity Tips for Authors and Small Publishers

The biggest mistake authors make when trying to get free publicity is pitching either themselves or their books.

Don't pitch authors! Pitch issues. Don't pitch books! Pitch entire shows.

Example: If you wrote a book about how children of divorced parents suffer long-term effects well into adulthood, don't try to entice TV producers with the book. Entice them with an entire show around the topic of "Children of divorced parents: Do they ever recover?" Then suggest two or three other guests who tie into your topic and could be interviewed, preferably someone who is on the other side of the issue. If you can do that, you've just given producers an idea for an entire show, and they're more likely to bite because you've done their work for them.

Here are 6 more book publicity tips:

--Be sure you have a good quality professional photo of yourself. I'm amazed at the number of authors I write stories about who don't have photos I can use.

--Use a "tip sheet" in your media kit that ties into your topic. Example: You write a book about how to discipline children. Your tip sheet might be something like "9 Tips for Calming Your Child's Temper Tantrum." Each tip should be no longer than one or two short sentences. The media love these tips because they can reprint them as a sidebar to a longer story. See Special Report #16: How to Write Tip Sheets That Catch the Media's Attention

--If you have a website, place the author's photo and updated contact information at the site. Sometimes when trying to contact an author, I go to their website and then search in desperation for contact info.

--Don't be afraid of controversy when it comes to book promotion. The more controversial you are willing to be, the greater your chances of coverage by the media, particularly broadcast. Radio shows in particular don't want only light. They want heat.

--The author should write an opinion column taking a strong stand on one side of a controversial issue that ties into the topic of the book. Then target the column to the publication that is read by people who you want to buy your book.

--If you want to get into a particular publication, call the advertising department and ask for a copy of their free Editorial Calendar. This is a listing of all special sections and topics planned for the year. Review the calendar and find a specific issue where your topic would be a good fit. Then call the publication, ask for the name of the person who edits that section, and write or e-mail them with your story idea. Do this several months before the publication is printed.

Most importantly, unless you are contacting the book reviewer, most media people don't care what's between the covers of your book. They DO care about what's inside your head, your expertise, and how you can help them. Remember that, and you're well on your way to lots of free publicity.

7 Book Publicity Tips for Authors and Small Publishers   How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles   

How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles

Want to write a how-to article but can't come up with a topic?

Start by naming the three biggest problems your customers or clients face. You've just come up with three ideas for three different articles. Be sure the topics tie into a service you provide, a product you sell, or a cause or issue you want to promote.

Once you've chosen a topic, it's time to select a title. Here's a list of possibilities. Simply fill in the blank, depending on what you've decided to write about.

A Part-Timer's Tactics for a Full-Timer's ______________

A Quiz: Test Your ______________ Smarts

Cash in on _______________ Trends

Chasing the Right ______________

Cool Tools for Today's ______________

Common Errors That Kill ______________

Discover the 7 Essential Elements That Guarantee ______________

Finding the ______________That is Uniquely You

Good News for ______________

How to Bounce Back from ______________

How to Get Other People to ______________

How to Handle ______________

How to Make ______________ Work for You

How to Make Your ______________ Dreams Come True

How to Turn ______________ into ______________

Mastering the Art of ______________

No More ______________

Part-Time ______________, Full-Time Success

Questions and Answers About ______________

Straight Talk from a ______________

The Great _____________ Dilemma

The Most Beginner-Friendly ______________

The Last Word on ______________

The Amazing Solution for ______________

The Best and Worst Ideas for ______________

The Complete Guide to ______________

The Worst Mistakes You Can Make When ______________

Top 10 ______________ Do's and Don'ts

What's HOT and NOT in ______________

When Not to ______________

Your Must-Know Guide to ______________

_________________ with Pizzazz!

_________________and Grow Rich

______________ on the Cheap

5 Ways to Get More from Your ______________

5 No-Fail Strategies for ______________

6 Secrets to Successful ______________

7 Ways to Keep Your ______________ Dreams Alive

7 Ways to Avoid the Most Deadly ______________ Mistakes

8 Ways to Avoid the Worst ______________ Mistakes

9 Formulas for Fantastic ______________

10 User-Friendly Facts for ______________

10 Tips to Jump-Start Your ______________

11 Questions You Must Ask When You're ______________

12 Tactics to Open Up ______________

13 Tips That Will Make a _______________ Smile

10 Time-Tested Tips for Becoming a ______________

25 Quick ______________ Tips to Use Now

26 Holiday Gifts for ______________

Nos, start writing! Somewhere out there, there's an editor just waiting for your story.

7 Book Publicity Tips for Authors and Small Publishers   How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles   

An Amazing, Hazy Look Into The Future

Sometimes we all sit and think. Sometimes we doodle with a pen. Do we ever look in depth at what we are thinking? I am amazed at the amount of people who say 'when the phone rang I knew it was you.' 'I was just going to call when you called.' 'I was just thinking of you and you rang me.' All now past and forgotten.

It may only happen a few times a year - but it happens. Try recording any event no matter how trivial either on a tape recorder or on a note pad each time it occurs, and date it. You may be one of thousands who can see something happening in the future - do not try and pre-date anything. Any future predicted events I have found can happen tomorrow or in eighteen months. At the beginning of this century we heard from the portrayers of doom and death, religious parties forecasting the end of the world. They have now amended their doctrine because the dates they predicted have passed.

I often wonder how many normal, average people in this world have had a thought or a vision in the past that has happened in the future. Perhaps now unrecorded and now long forgotten. It would be great to have a public notice board that registered some of the stronger thoughts and visions many of us experience though out our lives. Yes, it is now possible to do this on the web - a small two sentence prediction date recorded with a pseudonym. The psychic message board has had psychic predictions from you the public since 2003 with several startling predictions. The black mirror was introduced in 2004 - just a blank rectangular black picture from which your mind can project images. Your physical brain is somehow linked to your ethereal soul. The soul not having the physical restraints of the body and brain can move into the past, future, and other dimensions. Sometimes under calm or stressful situations the link is triggered and information released.

An even stronger bonding happens in times of stress and conflict. In a war great friendships emerge stronger than anything before. A man and wife going through life facing all bad and terrible things together as one, survive and become stronger as a couple. Psychic experiences are a part of life and soon forgotten. Try to remember a psychic happening in your own life, something now forgotten but still in memory. You will be surprised. Sit down; think of what is happening in the world and see if you can predict what may or not happen within the next year then write it down or visit the psychic notice board at You may surprise and startle yourself! Keep living, facing all that life throws against you, and you will become a better person.

A free ebook 'THE THINKER' is available from the author revealing incidents from his own life and others that have occurred through the years. The majority of people today live a life chasing materialistic goals. The man made church over thousands of centuries has let us down. Outdated history of an age that is hard to visualise today. The only salvation is the teachings of the prophets. Teachings that try to shape our thinking and our ways. Teachings that offer to make everyone a better person. Try the black psychic mirror at and see if you can come up with a simple prediction for the future or read the THE THINKER - a FREE ebook psychologically exploring different aspects of life in a thought provoking way. A New look at life - Why am I here? Who am I? What am I? Life after death - personal psychic premonitions in Life! Asking the questions of life and questions invoking the sixth sense.

Current titbits from The Thinker.


The European common market, a collection of trading nations is a wonderful idea. However, the power-seeking politicians who run this vast empire cannot leave it at that. They want to create laws for every nation, laws that are stupid, unmeaning. They want to create a vast empire, a super state. They are still pushing onward even though they cannot even create a fighter aircraft together- and how do all the pilots talk to one another if they are not linguists. What is being created is a large financial machine that spends money like water flowing over a waterfall. A huge European nation of created bureaucratic bumbledom. It is slowly creeping upon us - stay in the common market but keep out of the new super state.

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web

I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them. The probability of that obviously is very low but laws of probability have often been known to falter at the crucial test of reality. For example, there is a statistical theory that if you gave a million monkeys typewriters and set them to work, they'd eventually comes up with the complete works of Shakespeare. Thanks to the Internet, we now know this isn't true.

One foggy winter morning, I went walking into the marshy lands of Keoladeo National Park, a protected reserve frequented by birds from all over the place. I went looking for pelicans, ducks, herons and the coveted Siberian cranes. It was very early in the morning, I was hoping to be the proverbial early bird and catch the worm, which, for me, ironically enough, were the breakfast hunting birds themselves. The fog was heavy and it was a long wait. So my bored mind wandered down insignificant thought patterns and my eyes no longer being guided by any conscious thought went on to wander on their own. So technically speaking it wasn't me who discovered these spider webs, it was my vagabond eyes. But they quickly caught the fascination of my idle mind as well.

I started to wonder. It hadn't rained. It was just dewdrops. So it must be something that happens almost everyday during these Indian winters. The marshes thereabouts remained very foggy for most of the winters. My next thought inevitably was of the spider, crouched on all eights, huddled in one corner of its web, watching the dewdrops drying out in the almost inadequate warmth of the winter morning. And the dewdrops swaying gently to the cold breeze, like clothes on a clothesline, providing an ironic reminder to the metaphoric water spilt on the best-laid plans. I wondered if the spider, with its biologically complex compound eyes, could see the irony, or for that matter, the beauty that it had managed to trap in its intriguing web of deceit. I went on to wonder at the power of association. Dewdrops looked so much more docile when they rested on delicate petals of a pretty flower. By contrast, on a spider web, the gluttonous intent behind the web themselves, made the glistening balls look sinister, like landmines on a battlefield. I wondered instantly if the spider could still glide across the web, or like a foolhardy soldier, it would become a victim of its own designs if it tried to navigate the dew-laden web.

I began to think about the victim himself. On ominous days, the spider web would be virtually invisible to a merry insect flitting across the dense foliage. However, on days like this, when the web was glistening in all its glory, would the tiny insect be able to recognize the danger and steer clear from it? Or would it be mesmerized by the beauty and be drawn towards it, for after all, the insects do have a bad reputation when it comes to spotting danger in the face of mesmerizing beauty. Even if the insect, drawn towards the pearly gates of the web, landed himself bang in the middle of a messy affair, would the web be still as effective or would the dewdrops have disarmed the intricate deathtrap.

A research once told me that a goldfish has the memory span of three seconds, and I wonder how the respectable group of scientists found it out, or for that matter, what prompted this investigation. I wonder if the same group of scientists could answer the questions that came to my hyperactive mind on this lazy winter morning. I wonder if the spider and the fly realize the mental calisthenics they induced in me. I wonder.

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   

Simple Words

The words, the thoughts, the processes go on and on.

As simple as it may seem to me I tend to feel that all words have their own meaning and not always the dictionary form.

A simple word takes the form of many other words as each individual person who hears it puts it through a transformation process.

A doctor can take a word and change it into a disease. A carpenter can take a word and change it into a tool.

Is it that no one is listening or is it that each person listens only to what they know currently?

Debates take a turn at each word that is change and looked at in a different way by the person listening. According to our knowledge we can take a prayer and turn it into a blatant statement of hatred or immoral intrusion.

We can take a statement that spews hate and turn it into a humanitarian effort.

The words that tell, the words that say, the words that we hear and acknowledge everyday make us what we are if we allow them to.

It is the definition as we see it and nothing more. Depending on how stubborn a person is the prayer, the hatred can be anything.

A long line of definitions and the end of any Thesaurus will change the meaning according to the word you pick hate can become love and loving can become despising. This is the way a person's mind can work and in the end it all blends into the way a person listens.

If all you know is hatred, it is not hard to imagine what love could be. Still depending on the words that you know it can turn itself into a field of flowers or the face of a monster.

Every word has a meaning and that meaning can be twisted and turned into so many different forms that it can take forever to get through if the person listening does not understand your meaning and what it means to you.

Human beliefs are a large part of the basis of the definitions that are out there. What could be simple and what is simple can, and at times can become complex and confusing.

Confusion occurs when a word we learned as a child takes a different form and we are unaccustomed to it being used in that way. Simple can be so much better but the world is complex and if the ones that hold the knowledge contained in a Thesaurus use it, the world can and will become the definition of what they believe in if only because no one can truly understand what is happening.

It will get to the point where not only will people not understand what is happening because they do not understand the use of the wording. But the other people will not understand because they have evolved to a place where simplicity means nothing.

It is everywhere and few see it.

It is in politics, they make wrongs right, according to the wording of laws and bills. It is in corporations as they justify the wrongs or the lies that they come upon every day. It is in the very fabric of the religions that will change what they need to according to what they want to believe in.

Simple, look it up!

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   

Simple Words

The words, the thoughts, the processes go on and on.

As simple as it may seem to me I tend to feel that all words have their own meaning and not always the dictionary form.

A simple word takes the form of many other words as each individual person who hears it puts it through a transformation process.

A doctor can take a word and change it into a disease. A carpenter can take a word and change it into a tool.

Is it that no one is listening or is it that each person listens only to what they know currently?

Debates take a turn at each word that is change and looked at in a different way by the person listening. According to our knowledge we can take a prayer and turn it into a blatant statement of hatred or immoral intrusion.

We can take a statement that spews hate and turn it into a humanitarian effort.

The words that tell, the words that say, the words that we hear and acknowledge everyday make us what we are if we allow them to.

It is the definition as we see it and nothing more. Depending on how stubborn a person is the prayer, the hatred can be anything.

A long line of definitions and the end of any Thesaurus will change the meaning according to the word you pick hate can become love and loving can become despising. This is the way a person's mind can work and in the end it all blends into the way a person listens.

If all you know is hatred, it is not hard to imagine what love could be. Still depending on the words that you know it can turn itself into a field of flowers or the face of a monster.

Every word has a meaning and that meaning can be twisted and turned into so many different forms that it can take forever to get through if the person listening does not understand your meaning and what it means to you.

Human beliefs are a large part of the basis of the definitions that are out there. What could be simple and what is simple can, and at times can become complex and confusing.

Confusion occurs when a word we learned as a child takes a different form and we are unaccustomed to it being used in that way. Simple can be so much better but the world is complex and if the ones that hold the knowledge contained in a Thesaurus use it, the world can and will become the definition of what they believe in if only because no one can truly understand what is happening.

It will get to the point where not only will people not understand what is happening because they do not understand the use of the wording. But the other people will not understand because they have evolved to a place where simplicity means nothing.

It is everywhere and few see it.

It is in politics, they make wrongs right, according to the wording of laws and bills. It is in corporations as they justify the wrongs or the lies that they come upon every day. It is in the very fabric of the religions that will change what they need to according to what they want to believe in.

Simple, look it up!

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   Raindrops Keep Falling On My Web   Simple Words   

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